
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Good News and Bad News...

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Queen of Irrational Fears
I keep having day dreams of horrible, unimaginable (except in my mind) things happening to me and the baby. Just so you get an understanding, here are a few:
- I keep wondering if the baby can actually do damage to my organs and, perhaps, cause a hemorrhage, and I will slowly bleed to death internally.
- In my head, the baby's umbilical cord is like a creeping vine, just waiting to wrap the baby up and drag it off somewhere...always lurking, waiting for its opportunity.
- Can the baby's nails poke through my uterus and cause me to die a toxic painful death because of the amniotic fluid slowing leaking into my system?
- What if my amniotic fluid is slowly leaking out and the baby is flopping around in there like a fish out of water??
- Is there someone stalking me, waiting for the opportune time to kill me and take my baby?
- Can a baby fuse to your body?
- What if I have a C-Section and they put my organs back in wrong? It's not a game of operation!!
Like I said I have a very active imagination. Part of it is a defense mechanism, like if I think of everything bad that COULD go wrong, then I won't be surprised if something DOES go wrong. I don't believe in self-fulfilling prophecies, like thinking about all of this will make any or all of this happen. I just like to be prepared. And yes, I am neurotic...Happy Friday!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It's A...
She is actually a he. Oops! HIS name will be Logan Hunter Olson...
I love these statements from the sonographer...
"He's not giving your bladder much room. You must have to make frequent bathroom trips!" Um, Yeah, no kidding!!!
"Wow, He's active!" Yup, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! My little man doesn't like mama to sleep much...even now he is very attention hungry. If I might be resting he'll give me a swift kick to the tummy just to say, "Hey mom, remember me??"
Anyway, that was our eventful trip to the doctor this month. Next Appointment is November 9th. Enjoy the pictures from our Sonogram...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
17 Weeks and counting!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Belly Picture Week 15
Here is the 15 week belly picture...I'm finally to the point were I don't just look chubby, but maybe almost pregnant. My friends have noticed and talk excitedly about the baby and rub my belly and say hi to the baby.
We think it is a girl, but they won't give us a definite, or more definite, answer until our next appointment on October 12 when we have our 3-D sono. Hopefully then they can confirm it more.
I have felt her move on a pretty consistent basis, no jabs or kicks yet, but can really feel when she is moving around and turning over.
Other than that doing good!
Friday, September 4, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
1. If I have to hear another person, particularly another pregnant celebrity that you can't even tell is pregnant except for their perfectly rounded tummy, talk about how wonderful pregnancy is and they are just loving the fact that they get to eat anything and everything and it's just so glorious, I might puke...well more so than I already am. It's probably just jealousy that is making me so mad at this, but I seem to have more morning sickness, headaches, and just all around blah-ness than anyone else I talk to. It feels like the worst flu combined with forced starvation that I could ever have imagined. I cannot eat meat or eggs. I cannot smell meat. I cannot see meat. I cannot smell olive oil, which really sucks because I love Italian food. I can't stand the smell of Taco Bell, my all time favorite place to eat. I hope once the hell months, aka the first trimester is over in two weeks that I will get a little bit back to normal and can start eating like a semi-normal person again.
2. I can not even tell you how many people I talk to that say, "I didn't even know I was pregnant until the doctor told me. I never had any morning sickness or felt sick at all." Well ladi-freakin'-da for you!!!! Now, when I am trying to express how down right miserable I feel, that is not the kind of crap you should tell me unless you have a death wish. This is what my diet has been resorted to: soup, bread with butter on it, water, mashed potatoes, occasionally mac and cheese. That is all that sounds good, tastes good, and stays down.
3. Everyone keeps asking me if I am eating my veggies and fruits and getting enough vitamins and blah blah blah and I really might shove my foot down the next person's throat who asks me that. I am eating what will stay in my stomach and not make me feel like I am going to throw up the kitchen sink, thank you very much.
4. If one more person asks me how far along I am and if I should be as big as I am, or reminds me of the weight gain limits of "healthy" pregnancy, I might shoot someone. For one, I am no bigger than I was before I got pregnant. I happen to have a lot, no really, A LOT, of air in my stomach all the time. I constantly feel like I need a pin to pop it and release some pressure. It is not baby weight, especially since I can't keep anything down long enough for me to gain weight anywhere. Secondly, it is none of your freakin' business, and unless you are my doctor, or a doctor period, please keep your mouth shut.
5. I am pregnant, and it is a major part of my life right now, and will be for the rest of my life. I am very sorry if that does not correlate to what you want to "deal with" or "talk about". I have a constant reminder every minute of every day that I am pregnant and that is what is on my mind. If I listen to what is going on in your life, and ask you questions about your goings on, yet you don't want to hear about what is going on with me, then you should probably not plan on being my friend from now on.
Whew...okay...I'm done for now. Just a few things I have been carrying around (haha literally and metaphorically) for the past few weeks. Thank you for listening to my rant, and I hope I didn't offend anyone out there in blog land...trust me when I say with 110% confidence that none of you are part of the problem. You all keep me sane, or at least as sane as can be expected right now.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sorry it's been so long...
Before school ended I had to pack up my entire classroom, including taking everything off the walls so when I went back to school at the end of July I was starting from scratch. I had no bulletin boards up, nothing on shelves, nothing on the walls. Literally today is the first day where I can say I feel like my classroom is ready for kiddos, which is a good thing, since school starts tomorrow.
The morning sickness is being to subside (thank goodness!) and my appetite is slowly but surely coming back. I am now combating constant fatigue. I literally fall asleep for at least two hours when I get home at night. I am impatiently waiting September. Please don't think I am ungrateful or saying I don't want to be pregnant, I very much do. But you have to understand I have felt like complete and utter garbage the past six weeks and have been able to eat crackers, soup, and water only. Nobody can tell I am pregnant, and I certainly don't look pregnant. I feel bloated, cranky and fat. My old clothes are uncomfortable, yet I feel silly trying to fit into maternity clothes. I feel bigger than I should yet not big enough for it to be obvious I am pregnant. It is a very emotionally draining, and uncomfortable place to be in. I can't wait for September and 4 months to be here so I can start showing officially and look pregnant. I also can't wait to wear all these cute maternity clothes that my friend Sara loaned me, and to feel the baby move.
We also moved in the last weekend in July and have been trying to put that together as well. I also start my fall masters class next Monday. It is every Monday until December from 5 to 8 at night. So with the house torn apart, my classroom torn apart, and feeling like crap, I haven't had a lot of down time to write. Hopefully with everything falling into place, I will be able to write on a more regular basis. Hope everyone is doing well!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ultrasound 7/27
Baby O measures in at 7 wks 2 days and is doing great. Our estimated due date is March 13, 2010. His/her heartbeat was a whopping 160 bpm. I didn't think we would be able to, but we got to hear its heartbeat this morning! One of the coolest moments of my entire life. We now are dealing with our OB/GYN in Topeka. It feels a little strange...after going to KC for so long that these doctors and nurses start to feel like family. I know Dr. Teply and he's a great doctor and his nurses are great too. It just feels like our safety net is gone. Weird I know.
Anyway, we have pictures, but our Internet isn't hooked up at the new house yet so once it is then I will scan the pictures in and post them, hopefully tomorrow.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Love, Haley
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Morning, afternoon, and evening sickness...

Sunday, July 19, 2009
- Jeff is no longer going to Minnesota this week. The meeting is for Midwest Taqueria stations and supposedly his is the best in this part of the nation (according to his boss) so there is no need for him to go. So while it was cruddy timing for him to be gone, we are excited he will be staying in town to help gear up for the move.
- We are now closing on the house on Wednesday instead of Friday. We changed it because we thought that Jeff would be out of town on Friday, but as it turns out there was no need. Oh well...at least it will be done early. The sellers also compromised and agreed (after we told our realtor to tell them that they signed a legally binding contract stating they would do what they were trying to get out of) that they would pay us the difference in closing costs. Whatever works for us, money is money!
- Our ultrasound is still Monday the 27th...a week from tomorrow! So excited to see our baby and see that little heartbeat flashing...just got to cool my jets and wait seven more days...harder than it sounds!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Love to you all...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
My grandma lied to me...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Week in Review
So I'm getting increasingly more worried that I will have more than one child...As you can see from the picture my stomach isn't huge, but it definitely is bigger. I'm trying to console myself by telling myself that this was right after I'd eaten Mexican and my stomach was just full of air. It might also have been the way I was standing. Jeff says he thinks I was pushing it out. I smacked him for saying that. (don't worry, not hard).
He's being so good right now! He has been reading my what to expect books and actually suggested going to Barnes and Noble and getting a book on recipes for healthy eating during pregnancy. He is going to make such a good dad :) I'm going to miss him when he goes to Minnesota.
So on the symptoms front:
- I have started having to go to the bathroom a lot! It's a vicious cycle...I drink water and then I have to go, especially at night. Pretty much every hour I am up and in the bathroom. I think I see the bathroom more than anywhere else in my house right now. I don't want to drink that much water, but my body is so thirsty right now!
- I've started to feel slightly nauseous in the morning, but nowhere near actual "morning sickness" yet.
- When I get hungry, I turn into a crazy person, ready to kill the person that stands between me and my next meal. I have been known in the past couple of days to be on the verge of tears if it will be some time before I can eat. Since then I have learned to keep a Ziploc bag of Wheat Thins around to munch on.
Still have two weeks until the ultrasound...going to be so hard to wait! Well, Baby is screaming at me to eat again, so I need to go. Have a great day!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Top 5
1) I need to learn the difference between scary miscarriage cramps and indigestion from too much Chipotle.
2) I am growing much more side to side than front to back.
3) It will be very hard to not buy any baby stuff for a while.
4) Even though I say I don't care what we have, I have started speaking about the baby in female terms.
5) Pretty much all smells with the exception of lemons right now make me nauseous.
Friday, July 10, 2009
House News
We went above their asking price. They asked for $124,900 we gave $125,500. We didn't ask for any of our closing costs to be paid. We paid for the home inspection, sewer inspection, and termite inspection. They also moved our closing from July 31 to July 24 which gave us one less week to pack and get things together. They haven't had to pay for crap yet. The only thing we have asked of them is to leave all appliances when they only wanted to leave the dishwasher and built in microwave.
So I called our realtor back and told him to tell them thank you for your offer. However, as much as we have cooperated with them thus far, we feel that this is an unfair offer and we would like to continue with the contract. They may either write us a check, or contribute $920 towards our closing costs. We have yet to hear back from our realtor. I'm willing to play hardball and tell them we will walk if the contract is not upheld. Jeff is willing to accept the $750. I don't think they will break the contract simply because our realtor told me the reason they had to push closing up the 24th is that they close on their new house the next day and need to prove that they have a sell to attribute for the money towards their new house. What do you guys think? Are we doing the right thing? What would you do?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Beautiful Evening...
Some clarification on my first post...I should have clarified what I was talking about with my hormone levels and multiple babies...There is no real way to know until our ultrasound. The nurse was just surprised my levels went up as fast as they did. Normal pregnancies your hormones will double every two days. My first level was a 74 and then I had it taken again five days later. So if it was doubling correctly it should have been 148 on Friday, and 296 Sunday. By Monday when my blood was taken it would have been around a 444 or so. My level was 961. My levels doubled every 1.35 days. Yes, it is in line with twin pregnancy levels, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything. Some women have levels much higher than that and only have singles, and some have levels lower and have twins or triplets. The only true way of knowing will be our ultrasound when they can see how many babies and how many sacs there are. Please just keep praying that we make it that far this time and we can see our healthy baby, or babies, whichever it may be :)
We were outside the other evening and it was the perfect evening. We took Bella out to the backyard and were sitting on the deck and happened to see 2 hot air balloons in the distance. One flew over the next town home over, and one flew right over us! They waved at us, and we waved back. It was so cool! We could literally see right up into the balloon! It was so neat. I had never been that close to one before. Here are some pictures we took...
Hope everyone has a great day!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
School and Work News
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
And baby makes three...
