Wednesday, September 30, 2009

17 Weeks and counting!

We bought one of those over the counter doppler/movement listening devices last week. I wanted to just to see if we could hear anything. It was a $20 non-medical one, so I knew it wouldn't be as good as the doctor's office, but I thought it was worth a shot. The first night we had it, Jeff looked like a little kid playing doctor. Not only did he try for a good ten minutes to find the baby's heartbeat, he also found his own, mine, and the dog's. It was quite amusing!!!

Last night was the first night that we were successful finding her heartbeat. I had to lay on my side and cram the doppler under my stomach and lay on it, but we finally heard it. We also heard her moving around. It was funny, it almost sounded like a fish jumping in water. Just short quick little movements, but they were definitely there. I'm hoping once I figure out how to record it and put it on here.

I'm so excited for our next appointment on October 12th. Even though it's only been four weeks, I am so anxious to get another peek at her. It feels like after each appointment I can breath a tiny bit easier because we have made it another month.

We picked out colors and a theme for the baby's room the other night. We are waiting to get the "official" word on the 12th before we buy any paint or decorations, so I feel like an a car stuck in Neutral. I want so bad to start doing stuff, but we have to wait. Feels like I am constantly doing that lately, hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait.

We did get signed up for two parenting/birthing classes last weekend. Our first is this Sunday from 3-5. It is just an introductory what the _____ are we doing? class. We get to take a tour of the birthing center at the end of it which I am really excited to see. Hopefully, I will have a better idea of what everything will look like when the time comes. The other class is our birthing class that is in December. It is an all day class, but is only one day as opposed to an entire weekend, or several weeks. I can't believe it is all coming up so quickly!!!

Hope this finds everyone doing well! Gotta go :)

Love, Haley

1 comment:

  1. Isn't listening to the heartbeat at home the absolute best?

    I'm happy to hear your pregnancy is going so well.
