Sunday, July 19, 2009


We have had a busy couple of weeks. We went to Jeff's parents house over the weekend and enjoyed seeing the family, as well as our good friends, especially the Neys.

A few things to update everyone on...

  1. Jeff is no longer going to Minnesota this week. The meeting is for Midwest Taqueria stations and supposedly his is the best in this part of the nation (according to his boss) so there is no need for him to go. So while it was cruddy timing for him to be gone, we are excited he will be staying in town to help gear up for the move.

  2. We are now closing on the house on Wednesday instead of Friday. We changed it because we thought that Jeff would be out of town on Friday, but as it turns out there was no need. Oh least it will be done early. The sellers also compromised and agreed (after we told our realtor to tell them that they signed a legally binding contract stating they would do what they were trying to get out of) that they would pay us the difference in closing costs. Whatever works for us, money is money!

  3. Our ultrasound is still Monday the 27th...a week from tomorrow! So excited to see our baby and see that little heartbeat flashing...just got to cool my jets and wait seven more days...harder than it sounds!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Love to you all...


1 comment:

  1. Its wonderful that your hubby isn't having to go out of town!
