Monday, July 13, 2009

Week in Review

So I'm getting increasingly more worried that I will have more than one child...As you can see from the picture my stomach isn't huge, but it definitely is bigger. I'm trying to console myself by telling myself that this was right after I'd eaten Mexican and my stomach was just full of air. It might also have been the way I was standing. Jeff says he thinks I was pushing it out. I smacked him for saying that. (don't worry, not hard).

He's being so good right now! He has been reading my what to expect books and actually suggested going to Barnes and Noble and getting a book on recipes for healthy eating during pregnancy. He is going to make such a good dad :) I'm going to miss him when he goes to Minnesota.

So on the symptoms front:

  • I have started having to go to the bathroom a lot! It's a vicious cycle...I drink water and then I have to go, especially at night. Pretty much every hour I am up and in the bathroom. I think I see the bathroom more than anywhere else in my house right now. I don't want to drink that much water, but my body is so thirsty right now!
  • I've started to feel slightly nauseous in the morning, but nowhere near actual "morning sickness" yet.
  • When I get hungry, I turn into a crazy person, ready to kill the person that stands between me and my next meal. I have been known in the past couple of days to be on the verge of tears if it will be some time before I can eat. Since then I have learned to keep a Ziploc bag of Wheat Thins around to munch on.

Still have two weeks until the ultrasound...going to be so hard to wait! Well, Baby is screaming at me to eat again, so I need to go. Have a great day!


  1. I thought I was having triplets for sure, but I promise you are just bloated right now. For me, my stomach got smaller before it got bigger because the bloating went away for a little while before the baby really grew!
