Some clarification on my first post...I should have clarified what I was talking about with my hormone levels and multiple babies...There is no real way to know until our ultrasound. The nurse was just surprised my levels went up as fast as they did. Normal pregnancies your hormones will double every two days. My first level was a 74 and then I had it taken again five days later. So if it was doubling correctly it should have been 148 on Friday, and 296 Sunday. By Monday when my blood was taken it would have been around a 444 or so. My level was 961. My levels doubled every 1.35 days. Yes, it is in line with twin pregnancy levels, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything. Some women have levels much higher than that and only have singles, and some have levels lower and have twins or triplets. The only true way of knowing will be our ultrasound when they can see how many babies and how many sacs there are. Please just keep praying that we make it that far this time and we can see our healthy baby, or babies, whichever it may be :)
We were outside the other evening and it was the perfect evening. We took Bella out to the backyard and were sitting on the deck and happened to see 2 hot air balloons in the distance. One flew over the next town home over, and one flew right over us! They waved at us, and we waved back. It was so cool! We could literally see right up into the balloon! It was so neat. I had never been that close to one before. Here are some pictures we took...
Hope everyone has a great day!
Gorgeous pics! What a nice surprise!